Basic usageΒΆ

Follow these steps to solve a basic regression problem:

  1. Define an objective function. The objective function takes an individual as an argument and updates the fitness of the individual.

    def objective(individual): = ...
        return individual
  2. Define parameters for the population, the genome, the evolutionary algorithm and the evolve function.

    population_params = {"n_parents": 10, "mutation_rate": 0.5, "seed": 8188211}
    genome_params = {
         "n_inputs": 2,
         "n_outputs": 1,
         "n_columns": 10,
         "n_rows": 2,
         "levels_back": 5,
         "primitives": (cgp.Add, cgp.Sub, cgp.Mul, cgp.Div, cgp.ConstantFloat),
    ea_params = {"n_offsprings": 10, "tournament_size": 2, "n_processes": 2}
    evolve_params = {"max_generations": 1000, "min_fitness": 0.0}
  3. Initialize a population and an evolutionary algorithm instance:

    pop = cgp.Population(**population_params, genome_params=genome_params)
    ea = cgp.ea.MuPlusLambda(**ea_params)
  4. Define a callback function to record information about the progress of the evolution:

    history = {}
    history["fitness_parents"] = []
    def recording_callback(pop):
  5. Use the evolve function that ties everything together and executes the evolution:

    cgp.evolve(pop, obj, ea, **evolve_params, print_progress=True, callback=recording_callback)