
Nodes define the buildings blocks of the mathematical expressions represented by an individual. They are represented in the invididual’s genome (see Populations and individuals).

A node receives data from a certain number of input nodes (specified by its arity which can be any non-negative number) and transforms them into one output value. A priori, there are no limitations regarding the type of transformation, as long as it can be expressed in pure Python, SymPy, PyTorch, and NumPy.

Default nodes in hal-cgp

hal-cgp comes with a set of implemented nodes:

  • The InputNode and OutputNode are special nodes that represent the input to and output from the computational graph.

  • A set of basic mathematical operations is implemented as OperatorNodes: addition (Add), subtraction (Sub), multiplication (Mul), division (Div) and power (Pow).

  • A ConstantFloat that represents a constant in mathematical expressions.

  • A ParameterNode that represents an adjustable parameter (see Searching numerical values for parameters via local search).

Custom nodes

In hal-cgp, it is straightforward to implement new, custom nodes. The custom nodes needs to be implemented as a subclass of the OperatorNode (cgp.node.OperatorNode()) and define its arity as well as its transformation, defined by the _def_output member of the class. The _def_output string defines the transformation in pure Python and is used to automatically define the transformation in SymPy, PyTorch, and Numpy. In this string x_i refers to the `i`th input to the node.

As a simple example, we implement a custom node that doubles its input:

import cgp

class Double(cgp.OperatorNode):
    """ A node that doubles its input.
    _arity = 1
    _def_output = "2*x_0"

If the representation of the transformation in SymPy, PyTorch, or NumPy differs from pure Python, we need to define dedicated expressions via the _def_X_output members. For instance, to implement a node that computes the exponential of an input, we define the same operation in four different expressions:

import cgp

class Exp(cgp.OperatorNode):
    """ A node that calculates the exponential of its input.
    _arity = 1
    _def_output = "math.exp(x_0)"
    _def_numpy_output = "np.exp(x_0)"
    _def_torch_output = "torch.exp(x_0)"
    _def_sympy_output = "exp(x_0)"

We can make this custom mode more flexible by adding an adjustable parameter for the scale of the exponential. Parameter names are enclosed by angle brackets in the expressions. Furthermore, each parameter requires a function that returns its initial values to be defined in the _initial_values dict. We add the <scale> term in the expressions and define its initial value in the _initial_values class member:

import cgp

class ExpScaled(cgp.OperatorNode):
    """ A node that calculates the exponential of its input. An adjustable
    parameter governs the scale.
    _arity = 1
    _initial_values = {"<scale>": lambda: 1.0}
    _def_output = "math.exp(<scale> * x_0)"
    _def_numpy_output = "np.exp(<scale> * x_0)"
    _def_torch_output = "torch.exp(<scale> * x_0)"
    _def_sympy_output = "exp(<scale> * x_0)"

For a complete example that uses custom nodes with adjustable parameters, please refer to Example for evolutionary regression with parametrized nodes.